Contact our team at Duke Mansion, Charlotte’s timeless and revered local legend.
Duke Mansion
400 Hermitage Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
Phone: 704-714-4400
Email: frontdesk@dukemansion.org
From I-77
I-77 North
- Take Exit 9B (John Belk Freeway) to Exit 2A for Third Street
- Turn Right at the bottom of the ramp onto Third Street/Fourth Street
- Go 2 miles, turn Right on Ardsley Road
- Go one block; at the stop sign turn Right onto Hermitage Road
- Pass theexit driveway of Duke Mansion on your left
- Continue down Hermitage Road turn left into the next driveway through a pair of brick columns
I-77 South
- Take Exit 11A – the Brookshire Freeway toward Downtown
- Exit 2A for Third/Fourth Street
- Make a Left U-Turn at the light at the end of the ramp
- Turn Left at the next light onto Third Street
- Go 2 miles, turn Right on Ardsley Road
- Go one block; at the stop sign turn Right onto Hermitage Road
- Pass the exit driveway of Duke Mansion on your left
- Continue down Hermitage Road turn left into the next driveway through a pair of brick columns
- From the Charlotte Douglas International Airport
- Leave the Airport, merge Left onto the Billy Graham Parkway
- Turn Right at the first light onto Boyer Road
- Turn Right at the next light onto Wilkinson Blvd
- Go approximately 3 miles and merge Left onto The John Belk Freeway
- Exit 2A for Third Street
- Turn right at the bottom of the ramp onto Third Street
- Then follow directions for I-77 North, beginning with “go 2 miles”
From I-85
I-85 North
- Take Exit 36 to Brookshire Blvd.
- Follow it until it becomes the John Belk Freeway
- Then follow I-77 South directions beginning with the turn onto Exit 2A Third/Fourth Street
- Make a Left U-Turn at the light at the end of the ramp
- Turn Left at the next light onto Third Street
- Go 2 miles, turn Right on Ardsley Road
- Go one block; at the stop sign turn Right onto Hermitage Road
- Pass the exit driveway of Duke Mansion on your left
- Continue down Hermitage Road turn left into the next driveway through a pair of brick columns
I-85 South
- Take Exit 38 to I-77 South towards Columbia
- Take Exit 11A – the Brookshire Freeway toward Downtown Exit 2A Third/Fourth Street
- Make a Left U-Turn at the light at the end of the ramp
- Turn Left at the next light onto Third Street
- Go 2 miles, turn Right on Ardsley Road
- Go one block; at the stop sign turn Right onto Hermitage Road
- Pass the exit driveway of Duke Mansion on your left
- Continue down Hermitage Road turn left into the next driveway through a pair of brick columns
Help Preserve Duke Mansion
Duke Mansion is a nonprofit historic inn, gardens, and meeting place. Ensure this community treasure is preserved and protected for future generations.
How to Help